How we’re supporting Breakfast Club at Te Mātāwai


Every week, KC supports a Breakfast Club for residents of Te Mātāwai, a supported housing development in central Auckland. Over 30 residents run and attend and run the club, which starts their day with nutritious kai, helping to give them a sense of purpose and an opportunity to work with and get to know their peers. The complex houses 200 people, so as the Breakfast Club grows more people can start the day this way.

Dayne Smith, Kāinga Ora Community Development Manager says that the Breakfast Club has been enabled to continue and thrive, thanks to KC’s support. The breakfast has been a key way for new residents to settle in and integrate into the community, and through conversations there, new opportunities like the planning of Matariki celebrations, arise.

“I can't overstate how important Breakfast Club is for our community, so thank you and your community of donors for helping enable it to exist.”

Dayne notes that aside from the social benefits, residents' physical wellbeing is also enhanced by starting their day with something nutritious to eat. He says that many people living at Te Mātāwai have experienced chronic homelessness, and have complexities in their lives that prevent them from being able to cook or eat well (if at all).

For Te Mātāwai resident Ronny, the best part about Breakfast Club is getting to serve others. He says “I really enjoy making sure everything is set up nicely in the morning, creating a cool vibe for everyone.” To him, seeing people enjoy the breakfast they’ve prepared is a really rewarding experience.

“It’s about more than just food; it’s about kicking off the day on a positive note”.

Ngā mihi nui to everyone in the KC community that helps to make Breakfast Club a reality.

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