It was a highlight of the Christmas Joy Store and such an honour to host Olympic Gold Medalists Dame Lisa Carrington, Alicia Hoskin, Oliva Brett and Tara Vaughan to the Christmas Joy Store for a morning.
The wāhine packed food boxes, pumped basketballs, served shoppers, packed pressies and stacked the shelves all so whānau visiting that day could have a little bit of joy at Christmas. The team helped 156 whānau shop for 551 children, choosing 1,653 toys and 2,755 on the day they were in the store, which was a massive result.
Ngā mihi nui for the visit, for helping to raise awareness through your social media and to Dame Lisa for sharing the Joy Store on Seven Sharp, helping us raise even more vital funding and awareness for our mahi. It was such a special day, one we're hugely grateful for!